
Showing posts from March, 2024

Concrete Repair Made Easy: Common Issues and Solutions

While concrete is strong and durable, it is susceptible to damage over time. Top concrete waterproofing service in Rive-Sud providers can fix a variety of common concrete problems using proven methods. Cracks, spalling, erosion, and leaks are all repairable issues. This article covers the most typical concrete repair needs and effective solutions.   Repairing Cracks   Cracks are the most common concrete damage. Very fine cracks can simply be sealed with a penetrant sealer. Wider cracks need structural repairs:   ●        Epoxy Injection - Epoxy is injected under pressure to penetrate cracks and structurally rebond the concrete.   ●        Stitching - Steel bars are epoxied into holes drilled across the crack to stitch it closed.   ●        Rout and Seal - The crack is routed into a wider V-shape and filled with an elastomeric sealant.   Patching Spalling   When concrete spalls, flakes, or chips off, it exposes the underlying rebar to corrosion. Spalled areas should be pa